Hillel Friedman ambled his way over to Koleinu from the village of Lawrence, New York, and hasn’t looked back. (He knows from what befell Lot’s wife, of course, that this would have been a bad move — transforming into a pillar of salt doesn’t cut it as Hillel’s ideal form of self-actualization.) In his spare time, Hillel finds joy in Sedgeway birdwatching, Futhark-language Sunday crossword puzzles, and men’s rhythmic gymnastics. It is also a little known fact that he is the namesake for — you guessed it — Hillel, the very foundation for Jewish campus life and programming at most every college. Way to go, Hillel! He aspires one day to travel to every country in the world beginning in the letter “I,” while practicing as a roving tutor in the art of spelunking and writing poetry about string theory. He bears no relation to another scintillating member of Koleinu, Molly Fisch-Friedman, but he assures us all that they are still very close kin on a spiritual level. We are all ecstatic to have him on board.